Reforming the CMS: Armed Forces Special

Reforming the CMS: Armed Forces Special

Child Maintenance Service Hello and welcome to this special program by Reform UK into the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) and its particular impact on the Armed Forces. We've got an amazing program with six interviews from people in the armed forces, their experiences...

Ben Habib SLAMS the Toxic Tories’ immigration betrayal

Ben Habib SLAMS the Toxic Tories’ immigration betrayal

Ben Habib I mean everybody, can see what's going on apart from them. They don't care, they don't see the importance of the nation state. They don't think that borders matter. If they did, I, we we're talking about Asylum Seekers, but if they really cared about the...

Reform UK’s Lee Anderson MP: ‘I want my country back.’

Reform UK’s Lee Anderson MP: ‘I want my country back.’

Lee Anderson I want my country back. What do you mean by that? I want to go back to a time where you know, you could get a school place, you could go to school and not be told you're a different sex to everybody else. I want to go back to a place where you could ring...

Reform UK is the change the country is crying out for

Reform UK is the change the country is crying out for

BBC Question Time Audience At the moment the Conservative party have lost a lot of trust for the people in the UK. You've destroyed people's chances to get on the property Market. You've ruined the pockets of people who have scrimped and saved everything they can. I'm...

Ann Widdecombe, Full Speech | Reform UK Spring Conference ’24

Ann Widdecombe, Full Speech | Reform UK Spring Conference ’24

Ann Widdecombe Reform UK have solutions for the countries problems. While the legacy parties have spent the last 4 1/2 years failing to get to grips with the challenges we face, Reform UK have a plan, a strategy, a bold and bright plan to drive growth, to improve the...

LEE ANDERSON JOINS REFORM UK | Monday 11th March 2024

LEE ANDERSON JOINS REFORM UK | Monday 11th March 2024

Lee Anderson I'm delighted to announce that I have found that champion of the red wall for reform UK. He's also coincidentally going to be Reform UK's first Member of Parliament in the House of Commons. He is of course a person of great integrity, no nonsense and is...

Political Parties General Election – Who Can I Vote For?

Political Parties General Election – Who Can I Vote For?

Who Can I Vote For? Sometime in 2024 we will all be voting for political parties in a General Election. More likely to be later in the autumn rather than sooner, whenever it comes it's important to know what you are voting for. Tribalism and a lifetime of voting the...

What is British Culture?

What is British Culture?

What is British Culture? Define what it means to be British? What is British culture? Some of us see our culture as being under threat, but, just what does that mean? What is Britishness? What do we stand for? The way I see it, in an overarching sense, British Culture...

Budget 2024 Spring Budget Analysis: Liam Halligan

Budget 2024 Spring Budget Analysis: Liam Halligan

Budget 2024 - Spring Fiscal Event This was a relatively lowkey unambitious fiscal announcement. It didn't feel to me like the last roll of the dice before a general election in May. It seems to me that the Tories are still going to go for an election in October or...

Reform UK Immigration Policy Will Save Lives: Richard Tice

Reform UK Immigration Policy Will Save Lives: Richard Tice

Immigration Rwanda Bill Voted Down in Lords Richard Tice on Reform UK Immigration strategy. Reform UK leader Richard Tice, now the House of Lords has defeated the government by voting against the flagship Rwanda bill. On the same day that channel migrant arrivals...

British Culture and How to Preserve it : Matt Goodwin

British Culture and How to Preserve it : Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin British Culture. Thank you, well good afternoon conference. I was lucky enough or unfortunate enough to be in Manchester a few days ago and the energy in this room is 10 times what it was in Manchester so congratulations. I've never had this many people...

Unelected Puppet Sunak Gaslighting the British Public: Neil Oliver

Unelected Puppet Sunak Gaslighting the British Public: Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver Slams Unelected Sunak Sunak getting Desperate. There's a memorable adage for times like these; that people should never fear their government, on the contrary that the government should always fear the people. Damn straight they should. Those words are...

Heaver News: Reform UK Causing Sunak to Panic

Heaver News: Reform UK Causing Sunak to Panic

Sunak Speech Light on Content Rishi Sunak reacts again, never proactive, never in front of the story. Well, I think it speaks volumes that Conservative backbench MPs and even those in the government, even the Prime Minister himself bemoaning the state of the country....

George Galloway Elected with just 15 Percent of Electorate Vote

George Galloway Elected with just 15 Percent of Electorate Vote

George Galloway’s victory in Rochdale, driven by a single-issue Gaza campaign, highlights the power of a well-organized minority vote against a disillusioned majority. High postal voting and decreased election turnout reflect voter dissatisfaction. Concerns are raised about electoral fraud and the increasing influence of organized minority groups in British politics, emphasizing systemic issues.

Extremism: Rishi Sunak Gaslights the British Public

Extremism: Rishi Sunak Gaslights the British Public

Sunak Responds to Galloway Win Rishi Sunak ever the man to get out behind a story, never in front of it has slammed extremism from Islamists and the Far Right. Maybe, looking from as far left as the Tories have swung, normal middle Britons appear to him to be far...

Richard Tice Unveils Reform UK Policy Contract with the People

Richard Tice Unveils Reform UK Policy Contract with the People

Contract with the People Richard Tice unveils Reform UK's Contract with the People ahead of the general Election which will be called at some point in 2024. Hello everybody, hello Reformers it's wonderful to see you here in sunny Doncaster. Yes, the Sun Shines on the...

Rochdale By Election Analysis with Ben Habib

Rochdale By Election Analysis with Ben Habib

Rochdale By Election Analysis Ben, thank you very much for joining me here on the show. Is it a bit of a disappointment that given that your candidate Simon Danczuk was so well known in the constituency, The former member of parliament. Are you disappointed to have...

Reforming the CMS: Armed Forces Special

Child Maintenance Service Hello and welcome to this special program by Reform UK into the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) and its particular impact on the Armed Forces. We've got an amazing program with six interviews from people in the armed forces, their experiences...

What is British Culture?

What is British Culture? Define what it means to be British? What is British culture? Some of us see our culture as being under threat, but, just what does that mean? What is Britishness? What do we stand for? The way I see it, in an overarching sense, British Culture...

George Galloway Elected with just 15 Percent of Electorate Vote

George Galloway’s victory in Rochdale, driven by a single-issue Gaza campaign, highlights the power of a well-organized minority vote against a disillusioned majority. High postal voting and decreased election turnout reflect voter dissatisfaction. Concerns are raised about electoral fraud and the increasing influence of organized minority groups in British politics, emphasizing systemic issues.

Rochdale By Election Analysis with Ben Habib

Rochdale By Election Analysis Ben, thank you very much for joining me here on the show. Is it a bit of a disappointment that given that your candidate Simon Danczuk was so well known in the constituency, The former member of parliament. Are you disappointed to have...