Labour Claim £20B Black Hole Ahead of Tax Rises

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Latest News | 0 comments

£20B Black Hole in UK Finances

About the new government because I haven’t had a chance to really do that with you either, Labour been now been in for what 3 weeks or so, for me the honeymoon period is already over they’ve had to turn around and admit sort of rather shamefully that the Ed Milliband £300 a year better off GB Energy plan isn’t actually going to make you £300 better off not even in five years and it might not make you any better off.

They’re now saying that they haven’t found enough money so apparently they’re going to say according to Theo Usherwood I spoke to this morning that people who make over £50,000 a year don’t really deserve to be called working people so they’re going to be taxed so that’s okay, which is going to be a bit surprising for teachers, for nurses, for doctors and for all these public sector workers that they want to give more money to, is they’re all going to be taxed more.

There is a vast amount of sort of spinning going on they had access to all the I call it chicanery, oh you’re being very generous, the truth is that they are misleading the public and they had access to all of the numbers, no surprise in any of this, the real point is you’ve got to stop wasting money stop daft schemes like HS2 they could save £20 billion in a heartbeat if they scrap that and what they’re actually planning to do is to give significant pay rises to large parts of the public sector and let’s just remind everybody productivity in the public sector is collapsing.

There’re some 600,000 more public sector workers than 5 years ago and yet the outcomes are far, far worse. Well, have you seen the other big story today is that Britain has fallen out of the top 10 manufacturing Nations for the first time since the Industrial Revolution which comes as no surprise to you and I. People who don’t do bloody work and well the primary reason for that fall in manufacturing is the uncompetitiveness because of the huge cost of energy, much of it driven by The Madness of Net Zero.

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Net Zero is Net Stupid

We’re the only party that has the courage to tell it as it is which is Net Zero is Net Stupid, it’s making us uncompetitive, it’s destroying jobs, it’s destroying Industries and actually. we’ve been elected, millions and millions of people voted for us because we tell it as it is and unless we change course on some of this stuff then they bang on about growth well I’ve been banging on about growth for years and years, you’re not going to get growth by making firms uncompetitive with high energy costs.

No, exactly right and what about the story yesterday that I saw you commented on, on Twitter about the deal with the Spanish you know to move some younger people from Spain into Britain  in order for them to have lives as we know despite all the protest of Labour they want to move us ever closer to the EU in multiple areas they want to make us closer in terms of rules and regulations that reduce growth to zero and I mean they’re obsessed by freedom of movement, they want more mass immigration and this is just a little sort of let’s cozy up to the Spanish who by the way young people, sadly some 27% of young Spaniards are unemployed.

I think the relative figure in the UK is about 13 or 14% so if they do a deal on sort of opening up freedom of movement there then that’s the sort of thin end of the wedge towards opening up freedom of movement  across much and it’s another ploy to bringing in people on the cheap. Labour basically isn’t it, I mean that’s what it’s all about it’s about people wanting open boards ultimately, what you’re talking about is suppressing the wages of young British workers and that’s why actually Reform UK is doing so well with so many young folks who realize that they’ve had a really bad deal from politicians and that includes many 16, 17, & 18 year olds who are looking at the landscape and say well what’s in it for me? How do I get high wages? How do I get a decent job? How do I get on the housing ladder? When so many people, cheap labour are coming from overseas and essentially taking my jobs and consuming parts of the housing markets and so the situation goes on and on and how’s the smashing of the gangs going because I haven’t kept up with that particular side of the story?

Smashing the Gangs

Well, I asked the Home Secretary last week in the House of Commons how long she would give her strategy of Smashing The Gangs before realizing it makes no difference just like trying to take a drug dealer off a street corner, guess what another one pops up the following night and it’s like a game of whackamole, you and I said how long to try to smash the gangs before you realize the only policy that works is to pick up and take back which once, two weeks ago actually they did they picked up a boat, they took it back to France and guess what that proves as I said for years, now it can be done and it’s within International Law. They didn’t avoid, didn’t answer my question because it was rather inconveniently near to the truth and sometimes the truth hurts.

Yeah, indeed now so Braverman has pulled out of the race to be leadership candidate for the Tory party, no reason why she shouldn’t I suppose because nobody cares who the next leader of the Tory party is in my view, he’s going to do it for a couple of years and then you somebody else will take over. Is she going to join Reform UK? Well, I don’t, doing a lot of laughing here for those of you listening on the radio, I will be consistent with which is that I don’t give a running commentary on discussions with anybody or political party. No, I’ve always said that you know full well that’s been my standard response yes, but look the truth is I’m not interested in who is the leader of the Tory party, they are a, they’re like a sort of a broad church under an umbrella with no, they’ve got no sides, no walls, they’re so far in one direction left of people who don’t know. Braverman now is talking about having a small government, I mean she’s just been in for 14 years and they’ve made the government bigger than ever.

It’s hysterical listening to these people who suddenly sort of blame Labour for everything that actually they did for the last 10 to 14 years and Suella Braverman says she’s got 10 supporters but that none of the other MPs want to listen to her, that’s probably the case in reality and you know let’s see what happens, she probably should get over to Reform UK. Well, let’s see what happens, I’m, as I say, I’m not giving a running commentary, I’m sticking to my consistent line on that however hard you try and of course the big problem now for Labour we see yesterday Steve Reed was being asked questions by Victoria Derbyshire about where he was going for his summer holidays, So now they get asked all those awkward questions, so now that you’re an MP you’ll be asked all these awkward questions, are you going to be only able now to go on holiday in Skegness for the rest of time?

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Skegness Constituency

I don’t know about that but I have to say I’ve been spending a good deal of time in the constituency and you know, making a difference meeting lots of people, meeting businesses finding out what’s working what’s not working and as I said in my maiden speech the ice cream which I’m very partial to in Skegness is the best value, the most delicious and the greatest portions and it’s absolutely incredible so yeah, I’m you know working really hard and make it and do you know what constituents really like the fact that we’re just telling it as it is and we’re being seen.

I think I’ve had more coverage in the last few months, I think Skegness has never had more, I mean I said this the other day Skegness was trending one of the days and I was away on holiday, I think I said you know I don’t think this has ever happened, you see you realized you’d missed out, you’d gone to the wrong place you should come and do a show from Skegness, absolutely it would be fantastic you know how the Broadband, well the Broadband hopefully it’s improved, hopefully better than it is in Sussex is all I can say and what about the parliament experience, are you all sort of wedged into one small part of the building or how’s it how’s it?

Yeah, so we’re still sorting out offices for us hopefully we’ll be sort of next to each other that seems to take quite a long time but fingers crossed that’ll works and the Chamber itself is much smaller than you can imagine from TV it only takes 400 people give or take seating, so it’s a bit cozy but we’ve got a spot. I’ve done bigger shows than that, you have indeed so but we’ve got a sort of regular spot, you have to turn up and essentially sort of bag your place, put your name there, all sorts.

Are you still the bad boys in Parliament are they all sort of still kind of hissing whenever you walk past? I’m well actually know some are been very friendly but there was a bit of hissing in my maiden speech, the deputy speaker had to stand up and sort of just calm things down as I said a few things that some people didn’t want to hear, but that’s what it’s about, that’s what democracy is and it’s about telling it as you see it and then you know people can get stuck into the debate and that’s what we intend to do and I think it’s fair to say we may be just five a number but will be a great deal louder in terms of the noise and debate that we create.


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