Lee Anderson – I Want My Country Back

by | Jun 15, 2024 | Articles | 0 comments

Lee Anderson Ashfield canvassing with Nigel Farage in Clacton Reform UK

I want my country back

‘What exactly do you mean when you say you want your country back?’ This is the question every wet, woke and weak left leaning liberal individual asks me. The response they want is based on the colour of a person’s skin, their ethnicity, or their religion. These people are the race baiters who love nothing more than to describe anyone who does not agree with them as a ‘racist’.

So here are a few examples of what I mean.

I remember a time when children went to school and were not told that they could be a different gender, or they may have to use a different toilet and they did not have to sit down and watch a drag queen reading them stories. If people had been told this would happen 30 years ago then they would have been told you that you were insane. Yet it has been happening under our watch. I want this nonsense to stop, let kids be kids and let them grow and develop as they have always done. Just because a little boy picks a doll up it doesn’t mean he wants to be a girl and every girl that kicks a football does not want to be a boy.

I want my country back and the country I am talking about would not tolerate this stupidity.

Imagine telling people just 20 years ago that over 130,000 illegal migrants would cross the English Channel in three years and would be picked up by British boats then placed in 4-star hotels, given free legal advice, and then allowed to settle in our country. Then tell the same people from 20 years ago that over 90% of these arrivals would be young men destined for a life of crime and some would go on and murder and rape British citizens. Imagine telling them that the government of the day would pass three Acts of Parliament to try and stop these crossings, but the young men kept coming and coming.

I want my country back and the country I am talking about would not tolerate this stupidity

Many people remember the 1970s when East German female shot-putters had to undergo a sex test to see if they were really females. Have no fear as sex tests are not needed these days. A six-foot 6 hairy arsed bloke can put on an ill-fitting wig, a charity shop dress, and a bit of lippy and enter sporting competitions alongside women. To make matters worse on his way home he can then nip into a lady’s boutique and try on a pair of size 16 stilettos whilst sat in a lady’s changing room.

I want my country back and the country I am talking about would not tolerate this stupidity.

Back in the 80s and 90s if you applied for a council house you would get the choice of three houses but nowadays you have literally no chance of even being considered for one, yet we are letting over 1 million people a year into this country. That’s hundreds of thousands of people putting extra pressure on our public services and whilst decent hard-working Brits struggle to get a GP appointment, a dental appointment, a school place for their kids the politicians tell them that immigration makes us all better off.

I want my country back and the country I am talking about would not tolerate this stupidity.

Back in the day if we had civil unrest on our streets, you could be rest assured that our boys in blue would be quickly on the scene to get stuck in so as decent folk could go about their daily business. Imagine telling folk on the picket lines of the 80s that in the future that a load of under nourished grey-haired vegans in their 60s could turn up in their Jesus sandals and bring London to a standstill whilst the Met police stood by and did nothing?

I want my country back and the country I am talking about would not tolerate this stupidity.

Don’t even start me on the pro-Palestinian marches.

I want my country back.

Lee Anderson – Ashfield Constituency

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